Bacall Esqueixada
The esqueixada
Bacall is a traditional dish of Catalan cuisine based desalted (raw) tomatoes, peppers, onions and olives with a dressing of olive oil, vinegar and salt. Esqueixada esqueixada verb, in Catalan means tearing ('esgarrar' in Valencia). This requires tweaking the cod with your fingers and never use the knife. There
similar dishes as 'empedrat' with the addition of vegetable and egg. The 'xató' with endive, cod and tuna, but seasoned with Romesco. The 'esgarraet' Valencia, with roasted peppers. The 'espencat' also Valencia and close relative of the 'aubergine' to which is added and in some cases roe cod roe. Or the 'pericana' salad, the Alicante-based fried or roasted peppers with cod. A little further down, find cod salad Murcia or 'wet' and 'township' of Cartagena on the basis of smoked salmon and cod.
The same salad but with roasted peppers and anchovies, are common in Catalonia, north or south of France today under the name 'anxovada'. And cod and anchovies, have the 'trempó' Majorcan and 'pipirrana' Andalusia. All in all the Mediterranean, including the Maghreb, are tomato salads and raw or roasted peppers, but the addition of cod in some areas is a success!
Without further ado, I present the esqueixada Bacall my house. A classic, simple, timeless and delicious.
Ingredients for 4 people: 4 or 5 tomatoes / 1 onion Figueres / 300 gr. crumbled and desalted cod / 1 green pepper / red pepper 1 / a handful of black olives / / simple vinaigrette made with three parts oil to one of vinegar, salt and pepper.
Preparation: 1 .-
'll buy cod and crumbled. To desalinate it will in a large bowl and leave it overnight completely submerged in water.
2 .- Drain cod and desalted and piled with hands to release the absorbed water. Apart ('esqueixada' or 'esgarrar') finger pinching cod and set aside.
3 .- Finely chop the onion, tomatoes and peppers.
4 .- will post a source all the ingredients: cod oil, tomatoes, onions, peppers and olives and dressed with oil, vinegar, salt and pepper.
The Recap:
start desalted cod, for this we will leave to soak overnight.
also need black olives, tomatoes, sweet onions (spring onions can be), red pepper and green pepper.
finely chopped tomatoes, onions and peppers.
will post
all ingredients in a dish and align the assembly with oil, vinegar, pepper and salt.
The esqueixada
is a very healthy Mediterranean dish.
provides plenty of vitamins and protein, very beneficial for our body.
A delight.
Other suggestions from my posts reference:
Xevi and Anna in the 'Pleasures of mouth': Salt cod with basil
(recipe here) De 'Sorrows Cooking Blog': jumble, shredded cod with potatoes
(See recipe here) Bon appetit! (Dreaming: Joan Manuel Serrat - Mediterráneo)