Source: Santi Santamaria - Magazine of La Vanguardia.
In the photos below, provides detail with my interpretation. I've been pretty faithful to the original recipe, which transcribe verbatim:
Ingredients for four people: 20 large clams Lane / 2 chopped scallions / leeks cut into strips 1 / 12 trumpets of death / 8 c / s white wine / 4 c / s ganxet cooked beans (I have made him 8) / ¾ pint of vegetable stock / Ps
Preparation: Open
raw clams and remove them shell. Reserve the water they contain.
In a saucepan, saute the chopped shallots and dip them in white wine. Allow to boil and add the vegetable broth and water clams. Reduce and add the leeks, trumpets, cut into strips, and beans. Boil ten minutes and add all at the last minute without the shell clams. Season with salt and serve.
The Recap:
need a vegetable broth to make it just have to pour about a quart and a half of water in a pot, or enough to cover the plants chosen, I have made him which brought a tray of porexpan that is already prepared to make broth, carrot, leek, celery, turnip and a piece of cabbage, sometimes brings pumpkin ... Wash and put all the vegetables from the pan and add some more of our pantry as potato, onion, some mushrooms, zucchini, pepper ... plus some herbs and spices ... a couple of bay leaves, some peppercorns, a sprig of thyme, parsley, etc ... let grass and 45 minutes and we will. We have to be ¾ of a liter of broth approx. to go 4-course of soup.

The clams should be placed in a saucepan over high heat until they open completely. They do not need anything. The water they release will add to the soup later.

are taken out of their shells and reserve.

The black trumpet or "trumpet of death 'is a very tasty mushroom and aromatic. Did not find them fresh in the market, I took them home which was dry. In this case it is necessary to put them half an hour in warm water to hydrate.

black trumpets addition, we also need a ganxet baked beans, two or three shallots and the white of a leek cut into thin strips.
Beth Rodergas - Tots els Botons
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