1 .- My classmate. (Right now is what most irritates me) And it's not normal, act as if it were 13 years older than me and it is not only children, is that it is a fake, stupid, lying, is not legal ... People who follow me on Twitter you probably know because I say. The best part is that she is not perfect, but laughs at me and my friends ... I think before you should look in the mirror because it looked good.
2 .- People who are going on a hotshot. Let those people who knows everything but has no idea of \u200b\u200banything, and above it puts on airs when he speaks. You know that what he says is true or not education makes sense but you shut it? Hehe is not it something very stupid.
3 .- People pigeonholed you in a social group, status ... without knowing. I do not think I have to explain anything because we all understand this haha.
4 .- Young people who kill, rape ... ahh but because they are minors can not go to jail. I think I described it wrong, what I hate is that law . Because they are young and are "experienced" (as some people say) and of course as I am joooven I can kill you ... go man! It seems very bad people from hurting each other but these things I twitch in a way. Then go through such a center, and year and return to the street ...
5 .- Dependents of some stores. They seem annoying, because the truth is that thanks to some charge you more or less if they lose customers. Or for example to keep things in the store and you know it and you say, not that we do not, is exhausted. Yes. In one day. It happened in the CI wanted some shoes and the day before the offers I saw (was long behind them), the day after the tenders were not. The girl told me it had been exhausted after a while "angry" but admitted that they were not offering and how I wanted them I did not care as I take them. But I felt so bad I did not admit at first ...
6 .- Another sellers ... mistreat you because they think that are under old or something. In my one day I even got to say I could not use the credit card from my mother ... until they saw my ID and the boy was stunned haha. Although in general is to treat you badly.
7 .- hunger, war ...
8 .- This is not whether you will understand but one thing I "fuck" a lot. A few years ago on the news of the 1 had to put subtitles to a Galician who spoke Castilian only had the acentillo. Yes. It annoys me. And us as fools, as suckers, we the people, who do not have television haha \u200b\u200b... Ah but there exists?! Noooo. As a TV? esoo it? a box that gives images! That fuerteeee jaja .... It sucks treat us like fools. Who wants to think that I think but ... There is a Galician everywhere eh! haha.
9 .- hate girls crazy fans of Justin Bieber ... In our time we had the backstreetboys but at least they were not as small as this child and their voices were almost formed. But what I hate is the street you think something like: "Look at that girl's voice is" and you get a girl like under rocks watching you ¬ ¬ thinking: How dare you say that about my idol!
10 .- This is silly but I fucking hate losing things . As the last thing that I missed (or rather someone took it away). I left an umbrella in class and when I was not, no one had ever seen ...
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