RECIPE Ingredients for 6 bowls : 600 gr. of fresh sausage / 2 large onions / 2 glasses of champagne / 2 tablespoons pine nuts / 1 handful of raisins / prunes 8 / 8 dried apricots / olive oil / salt and pepper.
1 .- Cut the sausages into 3 or 4 cm. more or less.
2 .- In a saucepan with 4 0 6 tablespoons oil, and reserve doraremos.
3 .- In the same oil that has helped us to brown the sausage and adding a little more if necessary, saute the chopped onions over low heat until translucent (20 or 25 minutes).
4 .- Then add the sausages, all nuts and champagne. Season and let the champagne fall by more than half over 10 or 15 minutes, trying not to be soupy nor dry completely.
The recap:
Here is the fresh sausage.

Cut into pieces ...

Put them in a pan with some oil and brown.

onion cut it thick, but you can cut half-moons, or as desired.
Jarabe De Palo - Me As You Like
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