Supplements can afford a few luxuries perhaps would be too daring or out of place in the pages of the newspaper. Diario de Navarra been found in "The Week Navarre" suitable site for these bets. In this blog we have posted some "remember a supplement devoted to the world of twins, for example-and today, to celebrate Women's Day, we will show another focused only on the ladies. We read it this Sunday and we liked the idea.

few months ago, still with an eye on the woman, The Journal also focused on them to take stock of 2010:

We have seen several interesting treatments to commemorate this day. For example, Diario de Navarra coupled to that, possibly, the three women are more "powerful" of the community:

Odiel perhaps is the diary that has opted for the theme-and-interestingly, also in Cover

Deia also published an interesting and attractive double on women in the European Union:

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