Tradition says that the 'calçotades' you have to do a live fire of vine shoots. Sounds easy but has its own technique because after the first black layer and calcined, calçot inside should be white and tender. Once made served on a clay tile that helps keep them warm and wet in a delicious sauce Romesco . The embers take advantage after to meat and grilled sausages . And can not miss the creamy froth never Sant Josep (Catalan cream) for dessert.
We usually do the calçotada family at my sister in Tarragona, outdoor, and send the fees, but one (or two) years I know a little, so I take that season calçots (November to April) is long enough to prepare also the home oven. We know that normal is the open fire them, but other options are not bad. I tell ...
tempura In are delicious. Two years ago I taught these:

just steamed trying not to do too much because then you have to fry. Once they are 'al dente' was passed by 'tempura': mixture of flour and cold water (can be beer or sparkling water) in equal parts. In this case I put a cup of each. In addition to flour and the liquid we have chosen, add one egg yolk and a pinch of salt. Stir well, let it rest a while and you're . Then passed calçots by the mixture and fry in oil. It is very easy.
On the Romesco sauce, as there are so many cooks make. This is my version. RECIPE
Ingredients 700 ml. approx. sauce: peppers 3 / 400 gr. roasted tomatoes (3 medium ) / 150 gr. roasted onion (1 medium ) / 1 head of roasted garlic / oil 1 clove garlic / 120 gr. toasted almonds / 1 tablespoon paprika / 4 cookies / ½ liter of olive oil (2 cups) / 4 tbsp tablespoons white vinegar / a touch of chilli (optional) / salt and pepper.
1 .- In a baking sheet will whole garlic head, onions and cut tomatoes in half. We will take a little oil over and we roast all in the oven at 200 º for about 20 to 25 minutes.
2 .- deseed the peppers and let it soak in hot water for a couple of hours minimum. Once hydrated detach his flesh from the skin, scraping with a spoon or knife.
3 .- We will put in a large bowl or in a glass grinder tomatoes and garlic cloves with the remaining ingredients, except oil . Blend everything well and go slowly pouring oil continue beating while or grinding with mixer until fully integrate. 4 .-
other hand cut off the roots and the greenest calçots also we will remove the first layer that covers them. The we roast in oven until tender and serve with Romesco sauce.
(Mi Thermomix recipe: With the machine running at speed 6, we will take the nozzle without soaking the dried peppers, but lint. Once pulverized and continuing with the same speed, add the almonds for the opening. We stop machine and add the tomatoes, onion, garlic, roasted and peeled, cookies and also the point if we put chili. Blend 5-7-9 progressive speed.'ll add the paprika, salt and vinegar and mix 10 seconds speed 6. then programmed speed 5 without removing the cup of the lid while pouring the oil going over the cap, which will be slipping and falling gradually in the interior. End)
The Recap:
players ingredients are: tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic, crackers and a handful of almonds, but also can be put hazelnuts.
The onions are spring onions, white and sweet. It sows the seeds of white onion and when it has germinated and is started replanted again. As the plant grows it will surrounding land so that it is half buried until a white stem about 20 cm . "And why they are called spring onions, because the stems are 'wearing' with earth so that no light will not turn green. "

(Sonando: i Gossos Beth - No és nou)
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